Attending: CTCN Climate Technology Matchmaking Event – Accelerating clean energy transformation, with the private sector, 20-21 November 2019
24 October 2019, Category: All insights, News, Tags: Asia Pacific, Brussels, consultancy, CTCN, E Co., event, private sector, renewable energy, sustainable development, technology, UNFCCC

Our consultant, Dr Silvia Emili will be attending this upcoming event in Brussels, do let us know if you’ll be attending too.
About the event
‘The Climate Technology Centre and Network with support from the European Commission, is pleased to announce the first Private Sector Matchmaking Event for CTCN National Designated Entities (NDEs) in Asia Pacific, Network Members and climate technology service providers including private sector and international organizations. The event builds on the successes of the matchmaking events organized by Enterprise Europe Network (EEN) and will include an online profile and meeting brokering element along with in-session workshops which will be held at the margins of G-STIC 2019 at Brussels, Belgium on 20 and 21 November 2019.
The matchmaking event will make use of an online platform on which NDEs, development organizations and businesses can upload their funded climate technology needs in form of requests, and participants to the matchmaking event can submit Expression of Interests for pitch meetings based on the technologies and approaches they have to offer. CTCN will facilitate the online/ offline handholding to the countries (NDEs) to create the profile and fill the requests. It will set the guidelines and templates for the solution providers to prepare the pitches. It will also develop the criteria to evaluate the pitches for matchmaking and propose the physical meetings in the event at the margins of G-STIC 2019 with best the matches evaluated from the interests received. CTCN will use similar online platform as EEN or the above facilitation activities which will be supported under allocated resources.
This platform will facilitate business-to-consumer matchmaking, where consumer will be country’s Government or a project proponent from public/ private sector nominated by NDE, seeking accelerated climate change technology solutions to the countries while meeting their commitments under Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC). On the other hand, the platform also creates business for climate change technology and service providers through showcasing their skills and expertise. The platform is vital as it provides an excellent opportunity to create business awareness on climate technology options by deliberating on associated risks, country barriers, blended finance solutions and case studies from other region/ countries.
The matchmaking event will be held at the margins of the Global Sustainable Technology and Innovation Conference 2019 (G-STIC 2019) in Brussels, Belgium having the focus on climate technologies and innovations in field of energy efficiency, clean energy and renewable energy and cross cutting issues.’
Objective: Increase private sector engagement by facilitating technology transfer to developing countries on climate change mitigation
Date: 20-21 November 2019
Location: Brussels, Belgium
Registration: Until 25 October 2019
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