News: CMIA conclusions from the COP24
16 January 2019, E Co., Category: All insights, News, Tags: Article 6, climate finance, COP24, gcf, Katowice, OECD, Paris Agreement, Paris rulebook

‘Much was expected from this COP, including the production of a so-called Rulebook on how to implement the provisions of the Paris Agreement. And for the most part COP24 did deliver this ‘Paris Rulebook’, which provides a consensus on the operationalisation of the Paris Agreement from 2020 onwards. While this progress should be celebrated, the work of the Parties is far from complete. ‘
Executive director, of the Climate Markets and Investments Association (CMIA), Margaret-Ann Splawn attended the recent COP24 which took place in Katowice, Poland. She looks into what was and wasn’t agreed and explains how ‘a recent OECD Climate Finance Report shows that public climate finance from developed to developing countries continues to increase but falls significantly short of the commitment made in 2009 at COP15 in Copenhagen to mobilise $ 100 billion annually in climate finance by 2020.’
Learn what conclusions she gleaned regarding the status of climate finance, the Paris rulebook, Article 6, basic unified accounting rules, IPCC and more. Read the full article here.
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