E Co. and the GCF this Autumn 2019: events, reports and a free training session
Tags: adaptation, climate change, Climate crisis, climate finance, gcf, Green Climate, mitigation, report, sustainable development, Training

As many of you will know, E Co. has closely followed and been involved with Green Climate Fund (GCF) activities since its inception.
On one side, we have developed a number of projects for our clients, unlocking GCF climate finance to adapt to and mitigate climate change. On the other side, today, we sit as official experts in the GCF Communities of Practice network. We are currently working with the GCF Secretariat to develop a Global Renewable Energy Investment Guide to support GCF investment priorities, operations and projects. We are also supporting the GCF Piloting for Country Programming initiative. Our Senior consultant, Morna Isaac, recently attended the Global Programming conference in Songdo, discussing with developing country governments and their Nationally Determined Authority representatives.
Upcoming analysis from E Co. on the GCF this Autumn
So this Autumn, join us. We’ll be participating in or offering a number of opportunities to provide you with up-to-date insights and analysis on the GCF. If you haven’t already, you can sign up for our Latest Thinking newsletter for updates, as they happen. See below for the preliminary Autumn agenda at E Co.:
1. Attended: GCF Private Investment for Climate conference
Where: Incheon, Republic of Korea
When: 7-9 October
Who: Senior consultants, Ben Bartle and Mel Phadtare
To read our coverage of the event: “The GCF Private Investment for Climate conference 2019 provided a three-day platform for the Private Sector Facility (PSF) to engage with several hundred private sector actors, including institutional investors. Our role as participants was to progress thinking and action on de-risking, scaling-up and venturing into new territories for low-carbon and climate-resilient investment in developing countries.” Read the full article here.
To receive updates: To hear the full analysis of key issues from the event, don’t miss our upcoming webinar. Sign up to our newsletter to receive the invitation to the webinar.
2. E Co.’s Climate Finance Quiz: Test your knowledge
A new format to replace our quarterly survey, on this occasion we’re offering you a quiz. How well do you understand the topic of climate finance, the terminology, mechanisms (including GCF), access and project applications? Take our anonymous quiz, receive an instant score and refer your peers. All responses will be confidential and we’ll use them to compile our 13th GCF insight report, share the findings in our November webinar and offer an online training for all quiz respondents.
When: October tbc
Who: Senior consultant, Mel Phadtare
To participate: sign up to our newsletter here and we’ll let you know when the quiz is live.
3. GCF Insight: Edition 13
Based on the Climate Finance Quiz, you can understand where you and your peers fare when it comes to really grasping climate finance terminology, concepts and ideas. In our upcoming report, we’ll be compiling and analysing the answers from the quiz to assess common gaps and consider where more training and dialogues may be needed. From our analysis we’ll be sharing a commentary on the report, supplemented by interviews with climate finance experts.
To receive the short report: sign up to our newsletter here and we’ll send it straight to your inbox
5. GCF 24th Meeting of the Board (B.24)
Our consultants will not be in Songdo on this occasion but we’ll be observing proceedings and we’ll be having a guest speaker to discuss highlights from the meeting in our webinar.
Where: Songdo, Republic of Korea
When: 12-14 November
To join our webinar: sign up to our newsletter here and we’ll send you an invitation
7. Webinar: ‘Decoding GPIC 2019 & GCF B.24’
We’ll be hosting our usual webinar. We’ll be discussing the13th GCF insight and breaking down the GCF the Private Investment for Climate conference and Board Meeting with special guest interviews and a longer Q&A.
Where: Online
When: November/December
Who: CEO, Dr Grant Ballard-Tremeer and Senior consultants, Mel Phadtare and Ben Bartle.
To sign up for this webinar: sign up to our newsletter here and we’ll send you an invitation
8. Free Online Training Workshop: Climate Finance
For those who took our Climate Finance Quiz, we’ll be discussing in more depth the answers you gave and which areas need discussion. We’ll also be bringing in a speaker from one of the climate funds to provide more insights.
Where: Online
When: November/December tbc
Who: CEO, Dr Grant Ballard-Tremeer, Senior consultant Mel Phadtare and guest speakers
To join the training: sign up to our newsletter here and we’ll send you the Climate Finance Quiz as soon as it’s live. You’ll then be enrolled for the workshop.
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