E Co. bites: What does sustainable development potential mean?
10 July 2019, Category: All insights, E Co. bites, Tags: climate finance, E Co. bites, gcf, project design, sustainable development
Watch our bite-sized and easily digestible video series, sharing our insights and experiences of designing low-carbon, climate-resilient development projects, across the globe. We discuss the who, where, what, why and hows behind successfully obtaining funding from major donors, including the Green Climate Fund (GCF) and Global Environment Facility (GEF).
Speaker: Alex Milano
Question: What does sustainable development potential mean?
I see sustainable development as holistic development that promotes multi-dimensional change. It seeks to improve the lives of marginalized communities without jeopardising our planet.
For example, I was recently involved in a project that was seeking to increase the availability of cleaner cookstoves in East Africa. Over 3 billion people cook their meals with solid biomass—such as wood or animal dung . When you replace these fuels with a cleaner stove and fuel, like ethanol, you can generate economic, social and environmental benefits for vulnerable households.
Economically, low-income households can save money on fuel use thanks to increased stove efficiency. Socially, women, who are the ones responsible for sourcing cooking fuel under often risky conditions are not longer at risk of assault and have more time to pursue an education or income generating activities. Environmentally, cleaner cookstoves and fuels can yield significant emission reductions and slow rates of deforestation.
In this sense, cookstove projects are really the epitome of sustainable development!
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