Event: Join us for the upcoming ZERO-PLUS closing event – 25 February 2021
15 February 2021, Category: All insights, News

In view of the ambitious 2050 full decarbonisation target, and the need to reduce the initial and operational costs of buildings, the revival of the ‘neighbourhood’ concept is greatly endorsed in recent years. After 5 years, the ZERO-PLUS project has come to an end with many successes and lessons learned to share – join us at this closing event on 25th February, 2021.
The ZERO-PLUS project has developed a method and accompanying tools to provide an overarching solution to the barriers for the successful construction of new residential Net Zero Energy Settlements (NZES). The benefits of applying the ZERO-PLUS approach have been successfully demonstrated in four real-life pilot projects all over Europe (France, the UK, Italy and Cyprus).
Since 2016, E Co. has been involved in ZERO-PLUS – an EU Horizon 2020-funded project. To learn more about the project and our work, you can have a look at our case study and this short brochure.
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