GCF insight #9: Proposal development
1 June 2018, E Co., Category: All insights, GCF insight, Tags: climate finance, country ownership, gcf, GCF insight, stakeholder engagement

Low carbon, climate resilient project design
This ninth edition of GCF insight builds on our second edition conducted back in 2016, where we sought to understand what was and wasn’t working with Green Climate Fund proposal development processes.
In this latest report, we explore the most up-to-date experiences of stakeholders with GCF proposal development. We draw conclusions from a survey carried out in June 2018, with respondents including: Accredited Entities, some of which financial institutions, National Designated Authorities (NDAs) / Focal Points (FPs), consultancies providing advisory services to NDAs / FPs (both individuals and companies), and entities that are wishing to become accredited.
Learn what the current views are on Concept Notes, from those who undertake the process and get a deeper understanding of the experiences, challenges and trends in developing GCF projects today.
Read about these findings and download the report here. We hope you find it useful and we would love to hear your comments or suggestions.
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