GCF insight #10: Stakeholder engagement and Country ownership
17 October 2018, E Co., Category: All insights, GCF insight, Tags: climate finance, country ownership, gcf, GCF insight, stakeholder engagement

Low carbon, climate resilient project design
At the GCF’s July B.20 Board Meeting, significant issues were raised about Board governance and consultation by members and alternate Board members. While the GCF Board appears to be struggling to win confidence on effective stakeholder engagement, we turn our attention to the project level, to query if we are seeing similar patterns on the ground.
The GCF is explicit about the importance of country ownership which falls in the top 3 distinct features of the Fund, along with a balanced portfolio and unlocking private finance. A country-driven approach ensures GCF activities are in harmony with national priorities, so how well do project developers currently engage with beneficiaries on country ownership?
This tenth edition of GCF insight explores to what extent stakeholder engagement can be improved in project development to support country ownership.
Read about these findings and download the report here.
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