GCF insight #11: Simplified Approval Process (SAP)
22 February 2019, E Co., Category: All insights, GCF insight, Tags: climate finance, direct access entities, gcf, GCF insight, SAP, survey

Low carbon, climate resilient project design
During the 18th Board meeting in October 2017, the GCF adopted a new approach to project approval: the Simplified Approval Process Pilot Scheme (SAP). The adoption of the SAP shows recognition for the need to facilitate fast preparation, review, approval and disbursement of environmentally benign (category C), smaller projects (under $10 million in GCF contribution), especially from direct access entities.
The GCF Secretariat aims to have 50% of GCF resources under the SAP, targeted at direct access entities. As of today, the GCF board has approved four SAP proposals, of which two are from direct access entities. Two more are expected to be approved in the up-coming board meeting, maintaining this 50% ratio. The SAP concept note pipeline has 60% of submissions from Direct Access Entities.
The eleventh GCF insight looks at just how simplified the simplified approval process actually is, in addition to knowledge building and challenges & recommendations. The report draws conclusions from an online survey carried out in February 2019 with 142 respondents, supplemented with one-to-one interviews with the GCF SAP team and accredited entities that have a SAP approved project.
Read about these findings and download your report here. We hope you find it useful and please feel free to share your comments below or send an email to amy@ecoltdgroup.com.
*This survey is an initiative of E Co., emerging from work we are doing to develop low-carbon, climate resilient projects. E Co.’s team of consultants designed and administered the survey and prepared this report. E Co. has conducted this research independently and is not affiliated with the GCF, the GCF Secretariat or donors. The views expressed in this report are those of the authors and do not represent those of the GCF. Nothing in the interviews or any information or material relating thereto shall be construed as implying any official endorsement of or responsibility on the part of the Green Climate Fund.
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