Environment Analyst article: the role of green bonds in post COVID-19 recovery
23 February 2021, Category: All insights, News, Tags: green bonds, green finance

This references an article written by Nick Cottam, originally published on Environment Analyst.
The value of global green bonds has risen rapidly, from $2 billion to over $250 billion in less than a decade. A thriving market is essential if we are to tackle climate change in new, innovative ways. E Co’s expert and Principal consultant, Seth Landau was recently interviewed as a part of the article ‘Green bonds fuel green recovery’ to discuss the state of the green bond market:
“Both the needs and opportunities for climate finance are huge. It’s important to ensure that investments go towards positive solutions and this is still being somewhat sorted out. It’s a great sign that cities on the one hand and investors on the other are reviewing their projects and portfolios with sustainability in mind.”
The full article by Nick Cottam for Environment Analyst is available here.
Our work on green financing
Recently, we announced our upcoming work with AECOM on an EBRD framework to help cities secure green financing. Under the three-year framework, we will work as a part of consortium with AECOM to deliver technical support, working with cities to identify eligible green investments and improvements to help mobilise green financing, including green bonds. Read more about the assignment here.
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