Hosting: Webinar – Renewable Energy Investment Guidance, in partnership with GCF and GIZ
Tags: climate change, climate finance, gcf, GIZ, Green Climate Fund, investment, Q&A, renewable energy, theory of change, webinar

Join us for our upcoming webinar, in partnership with GCF and GIZ on Monday 14 October 2019. This webinar will be the first element of the broad stakeholder consultation process on the Renewable Energy Investment Guidance before it is presented to the GCF board.
It will provide participants with background information on, and an overview of the Guidance and the work completed to date. Participants will be introduced to the online platform and will be able to provide direct comments on the draft GCF Renewable Energy Investment Guidance, including its sector investment guide, theory of change and the potential RfP.
CLICK HERE to participate in this informative webinar.
Agenda & Speakers
- Welcome and opening remarks: German Velasquez, Director of GCF’s Adaptation and Mitigation Division
- GCF Renewable Energy Areas of concentration and Theory of Change: Pierre Telep, Renewable Energy Senior Specialist at GCF
- The sector investment guide and the approach that feeds the draft RfP: Grant Ballard-Tremeer, Director of E Co. and Marion Denantes, E Co. Senior Consultant
- Introduction to the online platform: Christoph Sohn, GIZ expert in online consultation process
- Q&A: Moderated by Christoph Sohn, GIZ
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