News: Increasing climate resilience of refugees and host communities in Tanzania: challenges and opportunities
22 October 2018, Dr. Silvia Emili, Category: All insights, News, Tags: agriculture, climate finance, community, deforestation, Kigoma, sustainable development, Tanzania, west Africa

Deforestation has been identified as the major environmental challenge throughout Kigoma region, and underlying factors include: illegal expansion of agricultural activities and/or settlements in the forest, grazing and improper livestock keeping in the forest, charcoal making, uncontrolled forest fires, and pit-sawing and pole cutting.
The region is becoming degraded through over-exploitation of natural resources, and the influx of refugees places additional stress on the environment.
Kigoma’s economy and livelihoods are based on the region’s natural resources, with agriculture contributing to 80% of all sectors’ economic contribution in the region. Host communities are reliant on basic subsistence agriculture with limited amount of livelihood diversification or value enhancing activities.
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