GCF insight #1: Key findings from stakeholders
1 March 2016, E Co., Category: All insights, GCF insight, Tags: climate finance, gcf, GCF insight, stakeholder engagement

There is significant demand to understand what’s working– and not working– in Green Climate Fund (GCF) project development. In response, during February 2016, E Co. launched a regular survey– called ‘GCF insight’– to shed critical light on experiences, challenges and trends in developing GCF projects. GCF stakeholders– including National Designated Authorities (NDAs), Accredited Entities, Implementing Entities, Project Developers and other key stakeholders– were asked to give their views on the top issues facing GCF project development.
This first GCF insight survey explored:
- GCF pipeline efficiency, momentum and results areas
- GCF project identification, including who identifies GCF projects and how it occurs, and the perceived effectiveness of these project identification approaches
- GCF Concept Note development, including who is driving good GCF Concepts and what needs the most improvement
- GCF Funding Proposal development, including effort, costs and needs for external support, and timing of NDA no-objection letters.
Download GCF Insight 01 here.
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