Take our 10-minute survey: ‘How effective is the Green Climate Fund’s Direct Access Modality?’ Closes 16/02
10 February 2021, Category: All insights, News, Tags: direct access entities, GCF insight, Green Climate Fund, survey

Low carbon, climate resilient project design
Direct access occurs when national or regional entities become accredited to receive finance directly from climate funds. It does not require finance to be channeled through international organisations, such as UN agencies or multilateral development banks.
Enabling direct access may have a number of benefits, including increased country ownership and capacity to develop and implement climate projects as well as reduced transaction costs. The Green Climate Fund’s (GCF) Direct Access Modality seeks to achieve these outcomes through a number of special forms of assistance, including: its Readiness Programme, Project Preparation Facility, Simplified Approval Process and the new Enhanced Direct Access Programme.
We invite you to take our 17th GCF insight survey. Your responses will form the basis of our 17th GCF insight report, which will be shared with the wider GCF community and GCF Secretariat.
The survey has been extended and now closes Tuesday 16th February at 11:59pm GMT.
Once you have completed the survey, kindly forward this email to others that may find it relevant – for example to other NDAs, AEs, CSOs and project developers with whom you are working.
We will also be featuring select case studies for our report. If you would like to elaborate on your experiences with the GCF’s Direct Access Modality, I invite you to email amy@ecoltdgroup.com and we’ll organise a call – we’d love to speak to you.
Please note: this research is being conducted by E Co., a specialist consulting firm. E Co. is conducting this research independently, and is not affiliated with the Green Climate Fund, the GCF Secretariat or other donors. E Co. is not approaching survey participants for sales purposes, nor will participants’ names be added to other email lists.
Why would you answer this survey?
You and the GCF community can benefit: we will compile the results and prepare a report with the data you provide, and present the findings at our webinar following B.28. You will learn whether your views are shared by others. You can also get your voice heard at the highest level in the GCF and donor communities.
How will we use your responses?
Your responses are strictly confidential. The reports generated from this survey will not contain any information that personally identifies you, your organisation, or your country.
How can you get the final report?
To thank you for participating, we will send you the report on the survey results if you would like them. A summary of the findings will also be shared with the global climate finance community.
Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey. Your response is a valuable contribution to understanding the GCF and climate finance landscape as it develops.
Find out more about this survey and our GCF insight reports and feel free to drop us a line at GCFinsight@ecoltdgroup.com.
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