Attending: 5th ARE Energy Access Investment Forum, 13 -14 March 2019
Tags: Abidjan, AFDB, ARE, climate finance, Club ER, ECREEE, energy access, GET.invest, off-grid energy, SEforALL, Sub-Saharan Africa, sustainable development, UNIDO

We will be attending the 5th ARE Energy Access Investment Forum, taking place in Abidjan, Ivory Coast. The Forum is organised by the Alliance for Rural Electrification (ARE) in partnership with the African Development Bank and GET.invest, and it’s supported by SEforALL, Club ER, ECREEE and UNIDO.
As an opportunity to convene public, private and other stakeholders with the goal to boost clean energy access globally, and in particular in Africa where 588 million people still lack access to modern energy services, we look forward to engaging in meaningful conversations on how to accelerate energy access in Africa and beyond.
Date: 13-14 March 2019
Location: Abidjan, Ivory Coast
Investments in energy access
According to the SE4ALL Energising Finance report released in 2018, despite a 56% increase in overall electrification finance commitments, investments in the sector fall short of the estimated USD $52 billion per year (IEA, 2017) needed to close the energy access gap by 2030. Climate finance flows sharply increased over the past few years, driven primarily by private investments in renewables, according to the Climate Policy Initiative. However, there is a growing need for action to mobilise further investments on off-grid energy and clean cooking, especially in Sub-Saharan Africa.
We look forward to discussing inclusive programming, designing sustainable business models and strategies for reaching the last mile while achieving inclusive energy access at scale.
Connect with us
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Find out more about the 5th ARE Energy Access Investment Forum 2019 here.
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