Attending: Ashden Conference and Awards, 2/3 July 2019
Tags: Ashden, energy, funding, impact, innovation, london, sustainable development

We will be attending the Ashden conference and Ashden Awards ceremony this year.
‘The 2019 Ashden Awards Ceremony will be a flagship event during the first ever London Climate Action Week (LCAW). The Awards Ceremony will be held at the Royal Geographical Society on 3 July 2019, where we will celebrate 10 organisations that are radically decarbonising the way we live, creating liveable cities and using sustainable energy for inclusive development.
Being part of LCAW gives us the chance to amplify our call for urgent action to tackle climate change. The Ceremony is just one of several events that we will be hosting during the week, including our annual Ashden Conference, investor pitching opportunities and skills matching events. It will be a chance for our winners to meet with policy makers, business leaders and financiers to talk about the problems they are facing and the action they need to scale up their work, whilst offering collective knowledge, solutions and support.’
Date: 3 July 2019
Location: Royal Geographical Society, London, UK
Sign up – click here.
‘Low-carbon policies and investment don’t just safeguard the planet: they create better health today. Around the world, in our cities and beyond, sustainable energy brings immediate health co-benefits – from easing air pollution to tackling excess heat and cold in homes and workplaces, and giving hospitals reliable power.
The links between energy and health are well established. Yet policymakers, investors and the health sector often overlook these co-benefits. This means they aren’t costed and quantified, innovators are denied funding, and health and climate policies work in isolation or even against each other.
Through on-the-ground examples and expert insights, our Driving Better Health with Sustainable Energy conference will ask how to overcome investment barriers and leverage collaboration across sectors to reach urgent climate, energy and health targets in the UK and worldwide.
Speakers and agenda
The lively and interactive day will include fast-paced panel debates, inspirational keynote speakers, and cases studies showing the real-world impact of sustainable energy. You can also network with key thinkers in the field, and meet this year’s Ashden Award winners.’
Date: 2 July 2019
Location: Bloomberg, 3 Queen Victoria Street, London
Sign up – click here.
Learn more on the Ashden website here.
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