Attending: CTCN 2019 Africa forum, 18 -19 March 2019
Tags: Accra, Africa Climate Week, climate finance, CTCN, events, funding, NDCs, Paris Agreement, private sector, proposal development, public sector, SDGs

We will be attending the Climate Technology Centre and Network (CTCN) Africa Forum in Accra, Ghana, as part of the Africa Climate Week.
‘The main objectives of the CTCN Regional Forum is to present the latest development of CTCN services; share national and regional experiences and best practices from CTCN technical assistance in the region; and strengthen linkages between the CTCN support and other support mechanisms available under the UNFCCC to help countries achieve their Nationally Determined Contributions.‘
Date: 18th-19th March
Location: Accra, Ghana
Climate weeks
The collective goal of the Regional Climate Weeks is to support the implementation of countries’ NDCs under the Paris Agreement and climate action to deliver on the Sustainable Development Goals. Public and private sector stakeholders will convene on this collaborative platform as an opportunity for exchange knowledge and best practices across the region.
Sharing our experiences
Our consultant Dr Silvia Emili will be delivering a presentation to illustrate some of our lessons learnt from working on mitigation and adaptation programme and project formulation in African countries. Silvia will be talking about our experiences on stakeholder engagement during funding proposal development, and on supporting communities to get direct access to climate finance mechanisms. Climate finance often follows traditional models of development funding, where communities have little or no say in the way money gets used at the local level.
In most cases, communities are simply consulted about their needs and they don’t fully participate in decision-making processes on priority areas for investments. Strategies and programmes should be designed to enable communities to be their own actors of change, to increase their adaptive capacity by strengthening their decision- making power and ultimately increasing their resilience to climate change.
We look forward to exchanging reflections and lessons learned from partners and colleagues working on NDC implementation, UN Sustainable Development Goals and climate action in the region.
Connect with us
Let us know if you’re attending! Drop us a line at: or find us on Twitter where we’ll be sharing updates – @ecoltdnews and Linkedin
Find out more about the CTCN regional forum here.
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