Attending: GCF Global Programming Conference 19-23 August 2019
Tags: climate finance, gcf, global programming conference, Green Climate Fund, replenishment, Songdo

We’ll be attending the GCF Global Programming Conference in Songdo this week. Our Senior consultant, Morna Isaac, will be participating in the conference as a representative of our team that is starting work on the technical assistance to country programming for the GCF.
About the Global Programming conference: Realising climate ambitions
‘’GCF’s Global Programming conference serves as a platform for high level-dialogue on country and entity programming plans with GCF. The conference will invite developing countries to discuss the demand for GCF resources that move them towards low-emission and climate-resilient pathways in line with the objectives of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and the Paris Agreement. It will also be a platform for Accredited Entities to demonstrate how they can help countries realise this demand consistent with their capacities and competencies, and for GCF to consider ways in which its strategy and programming for the first replenishment period could respond to such demands.’
The schedule for the conference can be found below:
Date: 19 – 23 August 2019
Location: Songdo, Republic of Korea
Learn more about the event:
Learn more about GCF’s Global Programming Conference here.
The hashtag for the event is #RoadtoClimateAction.
Let’s speak
If you have any questions or would like to set up a meeting with Morna, please contact
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