Attending: SAFE Humanitarian Energy workshop and conference 31 July – 1 August 2019
Tags: addis ababa, clean cooking, climate change, climate finance, cookstoves, development, energy, ethiopia, gender-based violence, humanitarian energy access, NGOs, sustainable

We’ll be attending the Humanitarian Energy Conference (HEC) in Addis Ababa this July. Let us know if you’re attending.
‘Energy access is a critical and under-served need among the 131 million people in need of humanitarian assistance today. Safe and accessible fuel is needed to cook the dry foodstuffs provided by humanitarian agencies and reduce the exposure of women and girls to the risk of gender-based violence during firewood collection. In the absence of adequate shelter, energy is needed to maintain acceptable temperatures. Electricity is needed for community services such as public lighting, water pumping and treatment, mobile phone charging, cooling of medicine and vaccines, and powering health clinics. Simply put, energy access impacts food security, nutrition, health, protection, shelter, telecommunications, and other key aid sectors.
About HEC
‘HEC is a new global event that convenes the broad community of actors and initiatives worldwide working to improve and expand energy access for displaced and crisis-affected people. Approximately 200-250 participants from over 40 countries and multiple sectors are expected to attend, including humanitarian agencies, NGOs, development organisations, private companies, governments, funding entities, and researchers.
The HEC is a critical opportunity for this diverse community to exchange knowledge, share best practices, and collaborate towards achieving the vision of affordable, reliable, sustainable, and modern services for all crisis-affected people by 2030.’
Date: 31 July – 1 August
Location: Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Learn more about the event here:
Learn more about HEC 2019 here.
Contact us
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