Courses: 25 February – 28 June 2019. Designing GCF projects @ University of Twente
Tags: climate resilient, courses, development, gcf, ICREP, learning, low carbon, project design, University of Twente

*Last spaces available for 25th February-28th June 2019 intake*
Are you looking to develop your Green Climate Fund (GCF) project development skills? Together with the University of Twente, E Co. is offering an international course on formulating GCF project proposals for low carbon, climate-resilient development (ICREP). In 2016, ICREP was the Dutch nomination for the 2016 UNESCO-Japan Prize on Education for Sustainable Development.
The course
The aim of the course is to develop participants’ skills in preparing proposals for low carbon and climate resilient projects so that they can mobilise climate finance, particularly from the Green Climate Fund, and catalyse the deployment of climate change solutions in developing countries. The course has an online component and a two-week residential module.
Is this course right for me?
Participants from backgrounds related to energy, environment and climate change, such as: staff from National Designated Authorities (NDAs), staff from Accredited Entities or those seeking accreditation, entrepreneurs, consultants, project developers, government officials, policy advisors, and staff of IFIs and (I)NGOs.
Course objectives
After completion of this introductory course participants will have gained knowledge and experience related to:
– Climate finance landscape and international policies concerning climate change mitigation and adaptation
– GCF funding options and operating modalities to support low carbon climate resilient development
– Identifying project opportunities for low carbon climate resilient development
– Developing implementation strategies
– Writing bankable and fundable proposals
Feedback from previous participants
Participant evaluation for 2016: in answer to the question ‘would you recommend ICREP to a colleague?’ gave a resounding ‘yes!’ (score of 4,9 out 5).
“ICREP presented me with the opportunity to network among colleagues from different background and countries”
“After returning, I established a Carbon Finance Unit in my NGO. Now I have a team of 5 staff. We have initiated the project ‘Eficient Fuel Wood Cooking Stoves Project in Foothills and Plains of Central Development Region of Nepal’. “
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