Attending: Global NDC Conference 2019, 12-14 June 2019
E Co., Tags: 2019, Berlin, climate finance, economy-wide action, finance mobilisation, Germany, Green Climate Fund, NDCs, Paris Agreement, private sector engagement, project design, public policymaking, transparency, Twitter

‘Global NDC Conference 2019: Inspiring Action and Enabling Change’
We’ll be attending the Global NDC Conference in Berlin this June. E Co. Principal Consultant Jasmine Hyman will present a session on ‘Strengthening NDC ambition and accelerating implementation through private sector engagement.’
The session will be in collaboration with Margaret-Ann Splawn from the Climate Markets and Investment Association (CMIA) and Jennie Gleed from CDP among other speakers.
Schedule: Thursday 13 June, 11-12:45
Our session will be answering one of the three key conference questions: How do we increase the pace and scale of change to bring the NDCs in line with the Paris Agreement?
The interactive session connects private sector and public policymaking and will use several case studies to cover the following topics: Disclosure & Transparency, Science-Based Targets and Accelerating Climate Finance.
Date: 12-14 June
Location: Berlin, Germany
This conference ‘contributes to the implementation and updating of Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) in 2019. It aims to inspire and enable policy makers and practitioners to accelerate the pace and scale of transformational change through NDC implementation in order to reach the long-term goals of the Paris Agreement.’
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