‘PARENTS CALL FOR CLIMATE’ campaign launches ahead of UN Climate Action Summit 2019
19 September 2019, Marion Denantes, Category: All insights, News, Tags: Campaign, Climate action, Climate crisis, Climate emergency, Paris Agreement, PC4C, UN Climate Summit 2019, UNFCCC

In just under 24 hours, nearly 8,000 people have watched this video. Why?
As the UN Climate Action Summit 2019 approaches in New York City next week, our Senior consultant, Marion Denantes has joined forces with parents across the world to launch the citizen campaign ‘Parents Call For Climate’.
“This initiative aims to draw attention to the fact that parents, at the global level, are deeply concerned about the lack of political actions from world leaders to respond to the climate crisis. They are calling on world leaders – once more, after all the alarming reports from specialists – to take concrete action on climate change. It’s time to act now!”
Watch the 2 minute video
See parents across the world calling for change:
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